Renato de Almeida

Renato de Almeida painting

Renato de Almeida at the opening of his painting exhibition

 Renato de Almeida at the opening of his painting exhibition

Renato de Almeida 

Renato de Almeida at his painting exhibition with the presence of his friends
and painters Dnar Rocha and Renato Stehling

Renato de Almeida and Ophelia Monterisi's wedding

 With his sons Renato e Roberto

With his daughters Denise e Angela at the opening of his exhibition

Renato de Almeida and Ophelia at the opening of his exhibition

Renato de Almeida in Venice

Renato de Almeida in Paris






           Renato de Almeida loves old houses, old streets, old towers, old cities, old landscapes. And, the same way he loves them a lot, he wants others do too so. And portrayed houses, streets, towers, cities, landscapes, without any innovative concern in his artistic mission. He doesn't think of himself as an innovator or a renovator. He is simply an artist, that moved by the love for things and beings transforms that love in a pictorial donation, of radiant quality.  His paintings, where the light is  constant in the subjects of his creative activity, reaffirm his sensibility, which feels younger, richer in force and coloring, capturing and fastening old houses, old streets, old towers, old cities, old landscapes.                                                                                                                                                                                                 PASCHOAL CARLOS MAGNO 

           Always following a personal style, which is pure but not naive. In the old streets of Ouro Preto, Renato de Almeida observes the rich texture of the walls tainted by the time, a way of expressing romanticaly the past of the urban scenery that silently stares the pedestrians nowadays. Renato extracts affectionately the colors that feed his work from the subtle tones that his eye unconsciously notices. The visual realism turns into color lyricism, that communicates everything that moved  the artist.                                                                                                                                                               FLÁVIO DE AQUINO 

                The painting of Renato de Almeida doesn't admit innovative concerns, because he  doesn't have interest in inventing a new quality. He paints what he wants and the way he wants. He abandons to others the successes of  fashion, and locates himself inside of his own aesthetic communications. Renato has strong interest for  problems of  light and, as consequence of that, his local tone is the tone of the landscape glow under sunlight. In this impressionistic landscape , of marked and strong brushstrokes, that he reaches fulfilment. The masses clear-darkness are intentionally distributed, in search of that goal that constitutes the larger object of his creations.                                                                        In Renato de Almeida one can feel perfect agreement between the conceptual position and objetive accomplishment .                                                              Perfect agreement among the man, the artist and the accomplished work. Therefore we do believe that  his work must be observed and admired.                                                                                                                        EDSON MOTTA

               He paints the way he feels; paintbrush, spatulas, inks, he uses them, not because the convenience of the distribution of the masses and color  are imposed by rules, but because he, with his own feelings, is the assessor of such convenience.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JOSÉ CLEMENTI 

          Streadfastness of positions and a pure soul, without compromise with schools or trends are the characteristics of Renato de Almeida in his life and in his painting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             O GLOBO

           On his canvas we feel that he has reached a degree of perfection that puts him close to the best.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ANIBAL MATTOS


         The expressive strength of his paintings is due, above all, to the very great interior need of the painter to communicate to us also what  moved him.                                                                              MANCHETE MAGAZINE

       Excellent Brazillian painter and soul of musician.                                                                             MAESTRO GUIDO SANTORSOLA

